Dominic Lang
Sustaining Excellence into a Challenging Future
In 2012 the Bamberg Plant of the Robert Bosch GmbH was Award Winner in the EFQM Excellence Award and received additionally two prizes for “Leading with Vision, Inspiration and Integrity” and “Succeeding through People”. Besides a very high level of excellence in all aspects of the EFQM Model, we have been especially recognized for our sound development of our strategy. We know very well what our future challenges are and how we encounter them. Our second key success factor are our people. Only with highly motivated and committed people you can deploy your strategy. You can see which approaches we have in place to bring all this into reality. This all leads in combination to sustain excellence into a challenging future.
Dominic Lang is Project Leader for Business Excellence at Bamberg Plant of the Robert Bosch GmbH. In 2012 he won the EFQM Excellence Award with this organization. He started in 2000 working with Bosch and took over several positions beginning as software engineer for automation technology and then project leader in special machinery and production. He is EFQM Excellence Assessor and did several assessments inside and outside Bosch. For EFQM he did assessments for Recognized for Excellence (R4E) and for the EFQM Excellence Award. Before entering Bosch he finished university with a degree as an electrical engineer and worked as a software engineer.